Instagram UGC Promotion
Visit NC’s social media team will utilize user-generated content featuring a partner’s destination to create one (1) organic feed post during the month that their program runs. The social team will search for UGC among the four (4) locations the partner provides and select the final image to be featured on Instagram. The program also includes community management by the Visit NC team on the posts, including responding to any destination-specific questions and comments on behalf of the partner.
Partner Benefits: Provides partners with permanent real estate on Visit NC’s feed that has a highly engaged Instagram audience of 178,000 followers. This program had 20,000 Post Impressions and 1,000 Total Engagements on average in the 2021-22 program year.
Price: Tier 1 (20% discount) $800 | Tier 2 (10% discount) $900 | Tier 3: $1,000
Inventory: Twelve (12) partner spots (one (1) per month)