includes the family of sites serving as a comprehensive North Carolina travel-planning source, including:
- Browsing by interest, geography and inspiration
- Trip Ideas and Stories with up-to-date information and unique perspectives
- Thousands of partner listings for Things to Do, Places to Stay, Places to Eat and Events
- Dynamic search functionality
- Travel Deals and Featured Events listings
- eNewsletters, including Travel Insider, Events, & Deals, Sweeps and more, as our emails begin to become more personalized with the adoption and implementation of Salesforce Marketing Cloud
We are pleased to share that we are undergoing a website redesign project in 2024. We will keep partners in close communication with regard to rollout logistics and new opportunities it may present for partner visibility. In the meantime, we will continue to focus on making the current version of align with user experience needs for both travel inspiration and travel planning to North Carolina.
- Content and analytics audit to identify areas of opportunity
- Ongoing development of new content and refresh of existing content
- Support for inspiration-oriented brand campaign content
- Support for mini-campaigns focused on deepening engagement and consideration
- Rollout of the web-based tactics delivering more personalized user experiences
Primary methods to measure success of include:
- Downstream referrals to partner sites
- Partner investment in programs
- Engaged users and sessions