Visit NC Research Co-op Brand and Image Position Study

A key challenge for destinations is to understand their competitive image and position in the marketplace. Visitors seldom choose not to visit an area – instead, they simply choose what they perceive as a better destination. The key barriers are often either a lack of a defined benefit/image or that other destinations have a stronger and better image. In addition, past experience is important in assessing what motivates people to visit and whether the same activities motivate repeat travel.  It is also critical to understand differences between markets and how this impacts strategic and tactical decisions.

This North Carolina research co-op will provide each destination partner with an analysis of their brand image and position in the context of competing destinations in key market areas. Results will include:

A competitive analysis comparing partner destinations:

  • Past visitation

  • Awareness

  • Likelihood to visit in the future

  • Destination ratings

  • Perceptual map to visualize destination perceptions

Destination position specific to each destination:

  • Destination attribute ratings

  • Destination image ratings

  • Driver analysis that identifies strengths and opportunities

  • Visitor and/or potential visitor demographics

The study will be reported in four key geographic market areas: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest and North Carolina. The sample size will be a minimum of 1,200 with at least 600 completed surveys per partner.

Price: $8,000 per partner. A minimum of four destination partners are needed to field this research.

If you have questions or would like to participate in the Brand and Image Position Study, please reach out to Marlise Taylor,, 919.447.7748.