Featured Event: Facebook Promotion
Leveraging the partner’s Featured Event listing on VisitNC.com, Visit NC’s Social Media team will create an organic Facebook Event on Visit NC’s Facebook page. The event will then be promoted to a target audience through a Facebook Event Response Campaign with a $500 ad spend. Partners will be required to co-host the Facebook Event along with Visit NC to assist with any community management needs.

Partner Benefits: Price includes a 60-day Featured Event listing on VisitNC.com, valued at $150.
Benchmark Engagement Rate: 0.50% - 1.00%
Price: Tier 1 (20% discount) $700 | Tier 2 (10% discount) $788 | Tier 3 $875
Inventory: Two (2) partners per month
Recommended Platform for Event Types and Demographics:
Featured Event: Facebook Promotion |
35-64 years |
Arts & Literature |
Home and Garden |
Shopping/Markets |
Causes |